
Maximizing Corporate Objectives: How Trade Shows Can Boost Product Marketing, Marketing Communications, and Business Operations

Trade shows can provide businesses with a multitude of opportunities to achieve a range of objectives. From executive management to sales, marketing communications, product marketing, and business operations, there are numerous benefits to attending a trade show. In this article, we will explore the 30 corporate objectives you can achieve at a trade show.

Executive Management

  1. Keep up with industry trends: Trade shows provide executives with the opportunity to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in their industry. This can help businesses make informed decisions and stay ahead of their competitors.
  2. Meet with key clients: Trade shows offer the opportunity to connect with existing clients face-to-face. This can help businesses strengthen relationships and show their commitment to their clients.
  3. Meet with key business partners: Businesses can use trade shows to meet with key business partners, discuss new opportunities and explore potential collaborations.
  4. Establish thought leadership: Trade shows provide executives with the platform to showcase their knowledge and expertise in their industry. This can help businesses establish themselves as thought leaders and gain credibility in their industry.
  5. Meet other level executives: Trade shows offer the opportunity to meet other executives and expand your network. This can help businesses build new relationships and explore potential collaborations.
  6. Media appearances: Trade shows can attract media attention, offering businesses the opportunity to secure media appearances and increase their exposure.


  1. Generate sales leads: Trade shows provide businesses with a large pool of potential leads. Exhibiting at a trade show can help businesses generate leads and build their pipeline.
  2. Close sales: Trade shows offer businesses the opportunity to close deals face-to-face. This can help businesses accelerate the sales cycle and close deals more quickly.
  3. Build relationships with prospects: Trade shows provide businesses with the opportunity to connect with potential customers and build relationships with them. This can help businesses nurture leads and convert them into customers.
  4. Advance the sales cycle: Trade shows can help businesses move leads through the sales cycle more quickly. Exhibiting at a trade show can help businesses showcase their products and services and provide prospects with the information they need to make a purchase decision.
  5. Cross-sell existing clients: Trade shows provide businesses with the opportunity to cross-sell their products and services to existing customers. This can help businesses increase revenue and deepen their relationship with their customers.
  6. Retain current customers: Exhibiting at a trade show can help businesses show their commitment to their existing customers. This can help businesses retain customers and reduce churn.
  7. Meet spread-out buying teams: Trade shows can provide businesses with the opportunity to meet with buying teams that are spread out geographically. This can help businesses build relationships with key decision-makers and accelerate the sales cycle.
  8. Recruit new salespeople: Trade shows can attract potential salespeople who are looking for new opportunities. This can help businesses recruit top talent and build their sales team.
  9. Recruit new distributors: Trade shows provide businesses with the opportunity to meet potential distributors and explore new markets. This can help businesses expand their reach and increase their revenue.
  10. Train new sales staff: Trade shows can provide businesses with the opportunity to train new sales staff and help them develop their skills. This can help businesses improve their sales performance and increase revenue.

Product Marketing

  1. Launch new products: Trade shows are the perfect platform for businesses to launch new products and services. Exhibiting at a trade show allows businesses to showcase their latest offerings and generate buzz and excitement among potential customers.
  2. Enter a new market: Trade shows can help businesses enter new markets and expand their customer base. Exhibiting at a trade shows in new markets can help businesses connect with potential customers and generate new leads.
  3. Survey attendees about product ideas and innovations: Trade shows provide businesses with the opportunity to connect with potential customers and gather valuable feedback about their products and services. Exhibiting at a trade show allows businesses to survey attendees about their products and gather insights that can be used to improve their offerings.
  4. Research competitors’ products and messaging: Trade shows can provide businesses with the opportunity to research their competitors’ products and messaging. By attending trade shows, businesses can gain a better understanding of their competitors’ offerings and messaging, allowing them to refine their own marketing strategies.

Marketing Communications

  1. Build your brand: Trade shows offer businesses the opportunity to showcase their brand and establish themselves as industry leaders. By exhibiting at a trade show, businesses can build brand recognition and connect with potential customers who are interested in their products and services.
  2. Re-position your brand: Trade shows can also be a great way for businesses to re-position their brand. By showcasing their latest products and services, businesses can highlight the ways in which they are innovating and adapting to changing market conditions.
  3. Increase awareness: Trade shows offer businesses the opportunity to increase awareness of their brand among potential customers. By exhibiting at a trade show, businesses can attract the attention of attendees who are interested in their products and services, and create a lasting impression.
  4. Survey market awareness: Trade shows can also be a valuable tool for businesses to survey market awareness. By connecting with potential customers at a trade show, businesses can gain valuable insights into the ways in which their brand is perceived in the marketplace.
  5. Interview clients: Trade shows provide businesses with the opportunity to connect with their clients face-to-face. This can be a valuable opportunity to gather feedback about their products and services, and to identify ways in which they can improve the customer experience.
  6. Generate publicity: Trade shows can also be a great way for businesses to generate publicity. By showcasing their latest products and services, businesses can attract the attention of industry influencers and media outlets, and create buzz around their brand.

Business Operations

  1. Recruit staff: Trade shows offer businesses the opportunity to connect with potential employees who are interested in working in their industry. By exhibiting at a trade show, businesses can attract top talent and build their team.
  2. Attain certifications: Trade shows can also be a great way for businesses to attain certifications and demonstrate their expertise. By attending trade shows and participating in industry events, businesses can gain the knowledge and skills they need to achieve certification.
  3. Join professional associations: Trade shows provide businesses with the opportunity to connect with professional associations and organizations in their industry. By joining these groups, businesses can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their field, and connect with other industry professionals.
  4. Meet industry associations: Trade shows also offer businesses the opportunity to connect with industry associations and organizations. By attending these events, businesses can network with other industry professionals and gain insights into the ways in which their industry is evolving.